Moving? Finding A New Place To Fly
by Todd BredaI just recently moved about an hour north of where I used to live for close to two decades and one of the first things on my "To Do" list was to find a new local place and/or club to fly. It took all of about a 10 second Google search to discover the closest clubs or flying fields near me.
The AMA also has a convenient RC Club Finder. Simply enter the city and state and choose your mile radius and click search. Try it out here.
No matter where you end up, chances are there will be some kind of flying field or club within a not-too-unreasonable distance from you. The three clubs I found were all within a 15-20 minute drive. Totally reasonable. I look forward to trying out each one, get a feel for the one I resonate best with (the members, how accommodating the runway is in size and condition, how many obstacles, and so on) and make it my new flying destination.
So whether you have recently moved or not, it could be worth your time to branch out and see what is around you. And I have yet to meet an RC pilot I didn't like. Good luck and happy searching!